Titanium Bow - I wish they sold these bikes here because I really like that split top-tube. It reminds me of the Rocky Mountain Cirrus of 1990. This is a textbook race bike right here - full XTR, SID's, stubby little barends - definitely built for speed. [edit] Took this pic at a World Cup event in Canmore. The German dude riding surely had no idea what we were doing.
I don't remember his name, but during the semi-slick craze on the World Cup XC circuit, some European guy was riding one these things with an upside down stem and upside down riser bars (although they were actually suppsed to be like that) and winning races.
i think i remember that.
i'm pretty sure it wasn't, but i'd be tempted to guess miguel martinez. he ran rigid forks and cantilevers as late as 1998.
After some searching I have determined that it was Jan Erik Ostergaard. I can't find any decent pictures of him, but here's one of the "Team Bow", which is very similar to the one he rode (even the crazy handlebars): http://www.hsvtriathlon.at/aktuelles/corratec-mb.jpg
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