X-6 - DBR's freeride-type bikes are one of the few mass-produced bikes that TeamCow likes. This one is kinda cool with it's Risse fork and apparently link plates from an Intense M-1.

Team Issue - A serious race-only hardtail. The low, long stem is a dead give away. The despised Cadel Evans used to own World Cup courses on this bike.

X-10 - The DBR DH bike. Never seen one before, but this one looks pretty cool. Why does it have a reflector on the seatpost? Do they run DH races at night now? Did somebody use this monster to run down to the 7-eleven for a pack of smokes?

XTS-3 - It kinda looks like DBRs are now called DiamondBacks again. They have a habit of changing their name every year or two.
Anyway, I like the bike in general, but I'm not a big fan of the graphics...

X-6 - I'm not sure that this is an X-6, but it doesn't matter - because this bike is HARDCORE!
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